ISBN-978-93-87601-63-5 SHAKESPEARE A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM * SASTRI & LAHIRI 170.00 ISBN- 978-93-86828-83-5 SHAKESPEARE A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM With Hindi * SASTRI & LAHIRI 160.00 Edited with: General Introduction, Text…
Hydriotaphia-Urn Burial *, Original Author - Browne , Author - Dr. P.S. Sastri, Isbn Code - NUMBER OF PAGES-100 Edited with: General Introduction, Text, Synopsis of the text, Notes and…
ISBN-978-93-86241-38-2 , ROBERT BROWNING SELECTED POEMS * DR. P.S. SASTRI, 265.00 Edited with: General Introduction, Text of the Poems, Paraphrase ,Critical Appreciation, Notes, Explanations, Question & Answers, Etc.(According to UGC…