International Economics - , By - R. Sharma, ISBN Code - 978-93-86544-30-8 CONTENTS : Chapters International Economics : Meaning, Nature and Importance Salient Features of International Trade Advantages of…
Labour Legislation - , By - D.K. Kulshreshtha, ISBN Code - The book in hand covers the following eleven such most important enactments: 1. The Factories Act, 1948,. 2.…
Labour Problems And Social Welfare - , By - U.C. Kulshreshtha, ISBN Code - For M.A.,and other Competitive Examinations and also covering U.G.C. syllabus as Prescribed. Labor plays a…
Managerial Economics - , By - Dr. R.K. Jain, ISBN Code - 978-81-89770-39-6 CONTENTS : Chapter Introduction to Managerial Economics Business Firm Certainty, Risk and Uncertainty Demand Analysis -…