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The Fox – D.H.Lawrence- By Prem Sagar Varshney


eBook Rs. 56Rs. 70

The Fox – Original Author : D.H.Lawrence -Author -By Prem Sagar Varshney- ISBN:- 978-93-89172-72-0


Edited with: Life of Lawrence, Modern Novel, Summary, friendship-Unmatched, Male Chauvinism, etc.

D.H. Lawrence is known for his great novels, like Sons and Lovers, Lady Chaterley’s lover etc. but the world seems to have neglected his stories which are through short make him a greater artist, visionary, and humanist. His stories make instant and deep impressions. The Fox is a short but powerful story of the two girl friends whose friendship leaves a permanent mark on the minds of the readers, evokes a picture of ideal friendship. Fate brought the two girls, lovingly calling each other Jiil and Nellie, to work jointly at an animal farm. Jiil was weak and sickly, wore specs, while the other, Nellie was strong and hefty. The work itself got divided between the two—the weakling did normal duties while the hefty took upon herself to do such things as required going out or doing physical labour. The long bonhomie between the two was interrupted by a young, healthy and radiant young boy. Chemistry soon grew up between the boy and Nellie but it was nothing more than liking each other. The boy came to have ulterior motive of possessing the girl somehow, but he was ignorant of the depth of love between the two. He somehow managed to extract the promise that the girl would marry him but the foolish boy failed to comprehend that the promise was not given voluntarily, of her own choice. Nevertheless he remained in the fool’s paradise that she would marry him. His dream was shattered when he boarded the train, in a cold manner. Nellie became free from daily wheedling and coaxing and wrote to him in no uncertain words that she would not marry him because she loved her friend, Jill, intensely and did not love him at all. Love of two friends remains an ever glowing example for all lovers of the world. Lawrence deserves high accolades for creating this wonderful peace of literature.

This critique is written mainly for students. Therefore all the aspects of the story are highlighted separately irrespective of their inseparable parts of the story. ‘Fox-Fixation’ for example, is the genesis of the story. Such aspects are dealt with separately to help the students.


Life of Lawrence

Modern Novel-Impact of Friend and Marx

Lawrence as a Story-Writer


Elen March—The Heroine

Henry Grenfel


Male Chauvinism

Fixation on Fox


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The Fox – Original Author : D.H.Lawrence -Author -By Prem Sagar Varshney- ISBN:- 978-93-89172-72-0


Edited with: Life of Lawrence, Modern Novel, Summary, friendship-Unmatched, Male Chauvinism, etc.

D.H. Lawrence is known for his great novels, like Sons and Lovers, Lady Chaterley’s lover etc. but the world seems to have neglected his stories which are through short make him a greater artist, visionary, and humanist. His stories make instant and deep impressions. The Fox is a short but powerful story of the two girl friends whose friendship leaves a permanent mark on the minds of the readers, evokes a picture of ideal friendship. Fate brought the two girls, lovingly calling each other Jiil and Nellie, to work jointly at an animal farm. Jiil was weak and sickly, wore specs, while the other, Nellie was strong and hefty. The work itself got divided between the two—the weakling did normal duties while the hefty took upon herself to do such things as required going out or doing physical labour. The long bonhomie between the two was interrupted by a young, healthy and radiant young boy. Chemistry soon grew up between the boy and Nellie but it was nothing more than liking each other. The boy came to have ulterior motive of possessing the girl somehow, but he was ignorant of the depth of love between the two. He somehow managed to extract the promise that the girl would marry him but the foolish boy failed to comprehend that the promise was not given voluntarily, of her own choice. Nevertheless he remained in the fool’s paradise that she would marry him. His dream was shattered when he boarded the train, in a cold manner. Nellie became free from daily wheedling and coaxing and wrote to him in no uncertain words that she would not marry him because she loved her friend, Jill, intensely and did not love him at all. Love of two friends remains an ever glowing example for all lovers of the world. Lawrence deserves high accolades for creating this wonderful peace of literature.

This critique is written mainly for students. Therefore all the aspects of the story are highlighted separately irrespective of their inseparable parts of the story. ‘Fox-Fixation’ for example, is the genesis of the story. Such aspects are dealt with separately to help the students.


Life of Lawrence

Modern Novel-Impact of Friend and Marx

Lawrence as a Story-Writer


Elen March—The Heroine

Henry Grenfel


Male Chauvinism

Fixation on Fox
