Tara – Mahesh Dattani- By Prem Sagar
Tara – Mahesh Dattani , By – Prem Sagar, ISBN Code – 978-93-86241-16-0
Mahesh Dattani’s Tara can well be studied as an artist’s attempt to present an objective study of female psyche. Dan knows that Tara didn’t get what she deserved and that he needs detach himself from Chandan that he originally was to understand Chandan’s twin sister, Tara, and mother, Bharati, since it cannot be treated simplistically. The play presents life as a series of misfortunes that beset the family right from the birth of the twins to the death of Tara and Bharati. Attempt is made in these notes to clarify difficult issues with the help of apt quotations and cogent arguments. These notes are designed to help students in understanding the text and in writing answers of the questions.
Historical Background of Indo-Anglian Drama
Dattani as a Playwright
Character of Tara
Character of Chandan
Character of Bharati
Character of Patel
Character of Roopa
Patel Vis-a-Vis Bharati
Plot Construction
Patel’s Tenuous Defence
Element of Humour
Tragic Element
Critical Appreciation
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Tara – Mahesh Dattani , By – Prem Sagar, ISBN Code – 978-93-86241-16-0
Mahesh Dattani’s Tara can well be studied as an artist’s attempt to present an objective study of female psyche. Dan knows that Tara didn’t get what she deserved and that he needs detach himself from Chandan that he originally was to understand Chandan’s twin sister, Tara, and mother, Bharati, since it cannot be treated simplistically. The play presents life as a series of misfortunes that beset the family right from the birth of the twins to the death of Tara and Bharati. Attempt is made in these notes to clarify difficult issues with the help of apt quotations and cogent arguments. These notes are designed to help students in understanding the text and in writing answers of the questions.
Historical Background of Indo-Anglian Drama
Dattani as a Playwright
Character of Tara
Character of Chandan
Character of Bharati
Character of Patel
Character of Roopa
Patel Vis-a-Vis Bharati
Plot Construction
Patel’s Tenuous Defence
Element of Humour
Tragic Element
Critical Appreciation
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