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Indian Society and Social Institutions (TEXT BOOK) By- Dr. P.K. Gupta For B.A.(Pass and Honours), M.A. Civil Service NET , PGT/TGT, SSC-CGL & Other Competitive Examination


eBook Rs. 123Rs. 160

Indian Society and Social Institutions By- Dr. P.K. Gupta ISBN: 978-93-89918-35-9


  1. Interface Between Past and Present
  2. The Text View and Field View Traditions in Indian Society.
  3. Marxian Perspective
  4. Civilizational Approach
  5. Characteristics of Indian Society
  6. Family, Marriage and Kinship
  7. Caste and Religion
  8. Continuity and Change
  9. Contemporary Social Issues

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Indian Society and Social Institutions By- Dr. P.K. Gupta ISBN: 978-93-89918-35-9


  1. Interface Between Past and Present
  2. The Text View and Field View Traditions in Indian Society.
  3. Marxian Perspective
  4. Civilizational Approach
  5. Characteristics of Indian Society
  6. Family, Marriage and Kinship
  7. Caste and Religion
  8. Continuity and Change
  9. Contemporary Social Issues