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Managerial Economics -(TEXT BOOK)- By S. Sachdeva


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Managerial Economics – , By – Dr. S. Sachdeva, ISBN Code – 978-81-89770-39-6


Managerial Economics – , By – Dr. S. Sachdeva, ISBN Code – 978-81-89770-39-6


For B.Com. (Pass & Honors’), B.B.A., M.Com., M.A (Economics), M.B.A. and Other Professional Examinations. (According to the U.G.C. Syllabus as Prescribed)

The discipline of Managerial Economics deals with aspects of economics and tools of analysis, which are employed by business enterprises for decision-making. The book is intended to meet the needs of students preparing for the paper on Managerial Economics, Micro Economics, Business Economics and a few concepts on Macro Economics. It will also prove useful to the candidates for the various professionals and competitive examinations.

Some salient features of the book are as follows: (a) Language is simple and lucid. (b) The subject matter has been compiled topic wise and special attention has been given for its gradation. (c) The charts, figures and illustration have been given wherever necessary. (d) The cases have been given in large number.




  1. Introduction to Economics
  2. Managerial Economics-An Overview
  3. Decision-Making and Fundamental Concept
  4. Utility and Marginal Analysis
  5. Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
  6. Law of Equi-Marginal Utility
  7. Indifference Curve Analysis
  8. Consumer’s Surplus
  9. Demand and Law of Demand
  10. Elasticity of Demand
  11. Demand Forecasting
  12. Supply Analysis
  13. Production Function
  14. Cost Concept and Analysis
  15. Market and Market Structure
  16. Perfect Competition
  17. Price Output Under Monopoly
  18. Price Output Under Monopolistic Competition
  19. Oligopoly and Duopoly
  20. Price Discrimination
  21. Pricing Strategies
  22. National Income
  23. Business Cycles or Trade Cycles
  24. Inflation, Deflation, Reflation and Stagflation
  25. Equilibrium Price
  26. Revenue Concept and Analysis
  27. Profit Concepts and Theory of Profit
  28. Profit Policy and Profit Forecasting
  29. Case Studies
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Managerial Economics – , By – Dr. S. Sachdeva, ISBN Code – 978-81-89770-39-6


For B.Com. (Pass & Honors’), B.B.A., M.Com., M.A (Economics), M.B.A. and Other Professional Examinations. (According to the U.G.C. Syllabus as Prescribed)

The discipline of Managerial Economics deals with aspects of economics and tools of analysis, which are employed by business enterprises for decision-making. The book is intended to meet the needs of students preparing for the paper on Managerial Economics, Micro Economics, Business Economics and a few concepts on Macro Economics. It will also prove useful to the candidates for the various professionals and competitive examinations.

Some salient features of the book are as follows: (a) Language is simple and lucid. (b) The subject matter has been compiled topic wise and special attention has been given for its gradation. (c) The charts, figures and illustration have been given wherever necessary. (d) The cases have been given in large number.



  1. Introduction to Economics
  2. Managerial Economics-An Overview
  3. Decision-Making and Fundamental Concept
  4. Utility and Marginal Analysis
  5. Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
  6. Law of Equi-Marginal Utility
  7. Indifference Curve Analysis
  8. Consumer’s Surplus
  9. Demand and Law of Demand
  10. Elasticity of Demand
  11. Demand Forecasting
  12. Supply Analysis
  13. Production Function
  14. Cost Concept and Analysis
  15. Market and Market Structure
  16. Perfect Competition
  17. Price Output Under Monopoly
  18. Price Output Under Monopolistic Competition
  19. Oligopoly and Duopoly
  20. Price Discrimination
  21. Pricing Strategies
  22. National Income
  23. Business Cycles or Trade Cycles
  24. Inflation, Deflation, Reflation and Stagflation
  25. Equilibrium Price
  26. Revenue Concept and Analysis
  27. Profit Concepts and Theory of Profit
  28. Profit Policy and Profit Forecasting
  29. Case Studies