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Principles And Practice Of Management -(TEXT BOOK) (According to the National Education Policy-2020 U.G.C- C.B.C.S Syllabus as Prescribed.)- By S. Sachdeva


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Principles And Practice Of Management – , By – Dr. S. Sachdeva, ISBN Code – 978-81-89770-28-0


For B.Com (Pass and Honors’), B.B.A., B.B.M. M.B.A. and other Professional Examinations. (According to U.G.C. Syllabus as Prescribed)

Management is a process of setting the objectives and achieving them through the process of planning organizing, staffing, directing coordinating and controlling the human and material resources in a dynamic environment. This book is intended to meet the needs of students preparing for the paper on Principles and Practice of Management.

It will also prove useful to the candidates for the various professional and competitive examinations. Some salient features of this book are as follow., (a) Language is simple and lucid. (b) The subject matter has been compiled topic wise and special attention has been given for its gradation. (c) The charts, figures and illustrations have been given wherever necessary. (d) The cases have been given in large number.



  1. Meaning, Scope and Importance of Management
  2. Management Thought : Scientific Management and Process of Management
  3. Principles of Management
  4. Functions of Management
  5. Levels of Management
  6. Management and Decision-Making
  7. Decision-making Techniques
  8. Planning
  9. Objectives and Management by Objectives (MBO)
  10. Concept, Nature and Properties of Organisation
  11. Organisation Theories
  12. Organisational Change
  13. Organisational Development
  14. Managerial Direction
  15. Leadership
  16. Communication
  17. Power, Authority and Politics
  18. Managerial Co-Ordination
  19. Motivation
  20. Managerial Control
  21. Departmentation
  22. Managerial Personnel Relations
  23. Staffing
  24. Organisational Conflicts
  25. Social Responsibility of Business
  26. Business Ethics
  27. Stress Management
  28. Management Styles
  29. Managerial Challenge in Future
  30. Case Studies





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Principles And Practice Of Management – , By – Dr. S. Sachdeva, ISBN Code – 978-81-89770-28-0


For B.Com (Pass and Honors’), B.B.A., B.B.M. M.B.A. and other Professional Examinations. (According to U.G.C. Syllabus as Prescribed)

Management is a process of setting the objectives and achieving them through the process of planning organizing, staffing, directing coordinating and controlling the human and material resources in a dynamic environment. This book is intended to meet the needs of students preparing for the paper on Principles and Practice of Management.

It will also prove useful to the candidates for the various professional and competitive examinations. Some salient features of this book are as follow., (a) Language is simple and lucid. (b) The subject matter has been compiled topic wise and special attention has been given for its gradation. (c) The charts, figures and illustrations have been given wherever necessary. (d) The cases have been given in large number.



  1. Meaning, Scope and Importance of Management
  2. Management Thought : Scientific Management and Process of Management
  3. Principles of Management
  4. Functions of Management
  5. Levels of Management
  6. Management and Decision-Making
  7. Decision-making Techniques
  8. Planning
  9. Objectives and Management by Objectives (MBO)
  10. Concept, Nature and Properties of Organisation
  11. Organisation Theories
  12. Organisational Change
  13. Organisational Development
  14. Managerial Direction
  15. Leadership
  16. Communication
  17. Power, Authority and Politics
  18. Managerial Co-Ordination
  19. Motivation
  20. Managerial Control
  21. Departmentation
  22. Managerial Personnel Relations
  23. Staffing
  24. Organisational Conflicts
  25. Social Responsibility of Business
  26. Business Ethics
  27. Stress Management
  28. Management Styles
  29. Managerial Challenge in Future
  30. Case Studies





Additional information

Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm
Cover Type

Hard Bound Edition, Paper Back Edition


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