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Train To Pakistan – Khushwant Singh- By Dr. Prem Sagar & Smt. R. Varshney


eBook Rs. 56Rs. 70

Train To Pakistan – Khushwant Singh , By – Prem Sagar, ISBN Code –


Khushwant Singh is a man of wide reading and experience. He had witnessed the genocide of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims during partition days. As a journalist, he had watched the whole gamut very closely. His intimate knowledge of the happenings that took place inspired him to write this famous novel. But a novel is a work of art, not of history. The writer does speak of the trains of dead bodies of the Sikhs and Hindus that came from Pakistan, of the exodus of the Muslims from India, of Sikhs and Hindus from Pakistan, of the singed psyche of the refugees, etc. etc. But the novelist wants to give message of communal harmony and love even in the midst of hatred and genocide. To this purpose in view he has chosen a Sikh village on the border as the locale for action in the novel. The Sikhs and the Muslims in Mano Majra lived in harmony, so much so that the Sikh didn’t know how to ask the Muslims to go to the refugee camp for their own safety, and there was lot of embracing and crying when the Muslims decided to leave the village. The message of love and harmony goes from a village to the whole country and the illiterate Meet Singh and the Lambardar of the village give wisdom to the learned of the country.


A Short Introduction of Khushwant Singh


Chapterwise Summary

Plot Construction

Art of Characterization

Wit and Humour

Role of Police


Regional Note

A Comparison with Tamas

A Criticism of lndian Society

Character Sketches

Title of the Novel

Summing Up

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Train To Pakistan – Khushwant Singh , By – Prem Sagar, ISBN Code –


Khushwant Singh is a man of wide reading and experience. He had witnessed the genocide of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims during partition days. As a journalist, he had watched the whole gamut very closely. His intimate knowledge of the happenings that took place inspired him to write this famous novel. But a novel is a work of art, not of history. The writer does speak of the trains of dead bodies of the Sikhs and Hindus that came from Pakistan, of the exodus of the Muslims from India, of Sikhs and Hindus from Pakistan, of the singed psyche of the refugees, etc. etc. But the novelist wants to give message of communal harmony and love even in the midst of hatred and genocide. To this purpose in view he has chosen a Sikh village on the border as the locale for action in the novel. The Sikhs and the Muslims in Mano Majra lived in harmony, so much so that the Sikh didn’t know how to ask the Muslims to go to the refugee camp for their own safety, and there was lot of embracing and crying when the Muslims decided to leave the village. The message of love and harmony goes from a village to the whole country and the illiterate Meet Singh and the Lambardar of the village give wisdom to the learned of the country.


A Short Introduction of Khushwant Singh


Chapterwise Summary

Plot Construction

Art of Characterization

Wit and Humour

Role of Police


Regional Note

A Comparison with Tamas

A Criticism of lndian Society

Character Sketches

Title of the Novel

Summing Up

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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