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Psychological Foundation Of Education And Educational Statistics -(QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GUIDE)


Psychological Foundation Of Education And Educational Statistics – , By – P. Bhola, ISBN Code – 978-93-87346-57-4








  1. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Educational


  1. Methods of Educational Psychology
  2. Relationship of Psychology to Teaching and


  1. Child Development Stages and Role of Heredity and


  1. Individual Differences
  2. Nervous System
  3. Instincts, Sensation, Perception and Conception
  4. Aspect of Developmental Problems of Adolescent

and Emotions

  1. Intelligence
  2. Intelligence Tests
  3. Thinking, Reasoning and Problem Solving
  4. Concept of Learning
  5. Theories of Learning
  6. Transfer of Learning
  7. Memory and Forgetting
  8. Attention, Interest, Motivation and Aptitudes
  9. Imagination and Creativity
  10. Mental Hygiene and Health
  11. Personality
  12. Assessment of Personality
  13. Theories of Personality
  14. Concept of Exceptional Children
  15. Mentally Retarded and Problem Children
  16. The Frequency Distribution
  17. Measurement of Capital Tendency
  18. Measures of Variability
  19. Methods of Correlation
  20. Group Dynamics and Leadership


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Psychological Foundation Of Education And Educational Statistics – , By – P. Bhola, ISBN Code – 978-93-87346-57-4








  1. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Educational


  1. Methods of Educational Psychology
  2. Relationship of Psychology to Teaching and


  1. Child Development Stages and Role of Heredity and


  1. Individual Differences
  2. Nervous System
  3. Instincts, Sensation, Perception and Conception
  4. Aspect of Developmental Problems of Adolescent

and Emotions

  1. Intelligence
  2. Intelligence Tests
  3. Thinking, Reasoning and Problem Solving
  4. Concept of Learning
  5. Theories of Learning
  6. Transfer of Learning
  7. Memory and Forgetting
  8. Attention, Interest, Motivation and Aptitudes
  9. Imagination and Creativity
  10. Mental Hygiene and Health
  11. Personality
  12. Assessment of Personality
  13. Theories of Personality
  14. Concept of Exceptional Children
  15. Mentally Retarded and Problem Children
  16. The Frequency Distribution
  17. Measurement of Capital Tendency
  18. Measures of Variability
  19. Methods of Correlation
  20. Group Dynamics and Leadership


Additional information

Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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