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History of Medieval India 1206-1757, (QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GUIDE) (According to the National Education Policy-2020 U.G.C- C.B.C.S SYLLABUS AS Prescribed)


eBook Rs. 80Rs. 110

HIstory of Medieval India 1206-1757, (QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GUIDE) By- L.Prasad & M.S. Gusain  ISBN: 978-93-89918-70-0

1. The Early Turks : Formation of The Delhi Sultanate
2. The Khalji : Alauddin and His Reforms
3. The Tughluqs and Lodhis
4. Babur and Humayun : Advent of Mughal Dynasty
5. Sher Shah: Administration and His Land Revenue, Reforms
6. Akbar and His Successors
7. Aurangzeb : His Rajput, Religious and Deccan Policy, Decline of Mughals
8. Rise of Maratha under Shivaji
9. Later Mughals
10. Art and Architecture in Mughal Era
11. Sufism and Bhaktism in India

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Narain’s HIstory of Medieval India 1206-1757 , (QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GUIDE)  By- L.Prasad & M.S. Gusain ISBN: 978-93-89918-70-0

1. The Early Turks : Formation of The Delhi Sultanate
2. The Khalji : Alauddin and His Reforms
3. The Tughluqs and Lodhis
4. Babur and Humayun : Advent of Mughal Dynasty
5. Sher Shah: Administration and His Land Revenue, Reforms
6. Akbar and His Successors
7. Aurangzeb : His Rajput, Religious and Deccan Policy, Decline of Mughals
8. Rise of Maratha under Shivaji
9. Later Mughals
10. Art and Architecture in Mughal Era
11. Sufism and Bhaktism in India

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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