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Human Resource Development -(QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GUIDE)


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Human Resource Development – , By – R. Sharma, ISBN Code – 978-93-87346-27-7




  1. Introduction to Human Resource Management
  2. Personnel Management An Overview
  3. Evolution of Personnel Management
  4. Organisation of Personnel Department
  5. Personnel Policies
  6. Manpower Planning g
  7. Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Specification
  8. Recruitment, Selection and Placement of Personnel
  9. lnduction, Training and Development of Personnel
  10. Executive Development and Management Training
  11. Merit Rating and Performance Appraisal
  12. Job Changes—Promotion, Transfer, Lay Ofl° and Demotion
  13. Job Evaluation
  14. Wage and Salary Administration and Wage Policies
  15. Methods of Wage Payment
  16. Non-wage Incentives and Fringe Benefits
  17. .lob—Satisfaction
  18. Human Relations in industry
  19. Industrial Disputes
  20. Human Resource Records, Audit and Research Or
  21. Personnel Records, Audit and Research
  22. industrial Psychology
  23. Labour Problems
  24. Grievance Handling Procedure and Discipline
  25. Trade Unionism in lndia
  26. Worker’s Participation in Management
  27. Collective Bargaining
  28. Labour-Welfare
  29. Social Security and Social insurance
  30. lndia and ILO

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Human Resource Development – , By – R. Sharma, ISBN Code – 978-93-87346-27-7




  1. Introduction to Human Resource Management
  2. Personnel Management An Overview
  3. Evolution of Personnel Management
  4. Organisation of Personnel Department
  5. Personnel Policies
  6. Manpower Planning g
  7. Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Specification
  8. Recruitment, Selection and Placement of Personnel
  9. lnduction, Training and Development of Personnel
  10. Executive Development and Management Training
  11. Merit Rating and Performance Appraisal
  12. Job Changes—Promotion, Transfer, Lay Ofl° and Demotion
  13. Job Evaluation
  14. Wage and Salary Administration and Wage Policies
  15. Methods of Wage Payment
  16. Non-wage Incentives and Fringe Benefits
  17. .lob—Satisfaction
  18. Human Relations in industry
  19. Industrial Disputes
  20. Human Resource Records, Audit and Research Or
  21. Personnel Records, Audit and Research
  22. industrial Psychology
  23. Labour Problems
  24. Grievance Handling Procedure and Discipline
  25. Trade Unionism in lndia
  26. Worker’s Participation in Management
  27. Collective Bargaining
  28. Labour-Welfare
  29. Social Security and Social insurance
  30. lndia and ILO