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eBook Rs. 77Rs. 100

Geomorphology – , By – Piyush Arora, ISBN Code – 978-81-89770-98-3



  1. Geomorphology : Meaning, Definition, Scope, Evolution

of Geomorphological Thoughts and Approaches

  1. Fundamental Concepts in Geomorphology
  2. Interior of the Earth
  3. Continental Drift Theory of Wegener
  4. Plate Tectonics
  5. Theory of Isostasy
  6. Earth’s Movement Epeirogenetic and Orogenetic Move-

ments Crustal Formation and Deformation Process

  1. Mountain Building Theories of Kober and Holmes
  2. Volcanoes and Vulcanicity
  3. Earthquakes and Seismology
  4. Weathering and Massmovement
  5. Normal Cycle of Erosion, Rejuvenation, Multi Cyclic and

Poly Cyclic Landscapes

  1. Geomorphic Models of Landscape Development
  2. Denudation Chronology, Erosion Surfaces, Peneplain and


  1. Fluvial Geomorphology
  2. Glacial Geomorphology
  3. Aeolian Landforms
  4. Karst Geomorphology
  5. Sea Waves or Marine Process and Landforms
  6. Drainage Systems and Drainage Patterns
  7. Morphometry
  8. Slope Analysis

23.Regional Geomorphology

  1. Applied Geomorphology

l Short Answer Questions

          l  Objective Questions

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Geomorphology – , By – Piyush Arora, ISBN Code – 978-81-89770-98-3



  1. Geomorphology : Meaning, Definition, Scope, Evolution

of Geomorphological Thoughts and Approaches

  1. Fundamental Concepts in Geomorphology
  2. Interior of the Earth
  3. Continental Drift Theory of Wegener
  4. Plate Tectonics
  5. Theory of Isostasy
  6. Earth’s Movement Epeirogenetic and Orogenetic Move-

ments Crustal Formation and Deformation Process

  1. Mountain Building Theories of Kober and Holmes
  2. Volcanoes and Vulcanicity
  3. Earthquakes and Seismology
  4. Weathering and Massmovement
  5. Normal Cycle of Erosion, Rejuvenation, Multi Cyclic and

Poly Cyclic Landscapes

  1. Geomorphic Models of Landscape Development
  2. Denudation Chronology, Erosion Surfaces, Peneplain and


  1. Fluvial Geomorphology
  2. Glacial Geomorphology
  3. Aeolian Landforms
  4. Karst Geomorphology
  5. Sea Waves or Marine Process and Landforms
  6. Drainage Systems and Drainage Patterns
  7. Morphometry
  8. Slope Analysis

23.Regional Geomorphology

  1. Applied Geomorphology

l Short Answer Questions

          l  Objective Questions

Additional information

Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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