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General Psychology -(QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GUIDE) (For B.A.(Pass and Honours), M.A. Civil Service NET , PGT/TGT, SSC-CGL & Other Competitive Examination


General Psychology – , By – Dr. Kumar, ISBN Code – 978-93-86241-48-1


For B.A (Pass & Honors’), M.A, Civil Services, Preliminary Subordinate Services and other Competitive Examinations, Objective Questions and Answers.

The present book in questions and answers form covers the university syllabus of all the Indian universities for undergraduate and post-graduate students in this paper. The questions selected are mostly from those actually asked in university examinations.




  1. Introduction to Psychology
  2. Methods of Psychology
  3. Relationship with Other Sciences
  4. Physiological Basis of Behavior
  5. Psychology of Cognition and Sensory Processes
  6. Cognitive Processes : Perception
  7. Attention and Distraction
  8. Levels of Consciousness, Dreams and Day-Dreams
  9. Conditioning, Learning and Habit
  10. Remembering and Forgetting
  11. Thinking and “Reasoning
  12. Imagination
  13. Emotion, Feeling and Sentiment
  14. Motivation, Frustration, Conflict and Mental Mechanisms
  15. Intelligence and Intelligence Tests
  16. Personality and its Measurement
  17. Individual Differences
  18. Objective Questions

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General Psychology – , By – Dr. Kumar, ISBN Code – 978-93-86241-48-1


For B.A (Pass & Honors’), M.A, Civil Services, Preliminary Subordinate Services and other Competitive Examinations, Objective Questions and Answers.

The present book in questions and answers form covers the university syllabus of all the Indian universities for undergraduate and post-graduate students in this paper. The questions selected are mostly from those actually asked in university examinations.




  1. Introduction to Psychology
  2. Methods of Psychology
  3. Relationship with Other Sciences
  4. Physiological Basis of Behavior
  5. Psychology of Cognition and Sensory Processes
  6. Cognitive Processes : Perception
  7. Attention and Distraction
  8. Levels of Consciousness, Dreams and Day-Dreams
  9. Conditioning, Learning and Habit
  10. Remembering and Forgetting
  11. Thinking and “Reasoning
  12. Imagination
  13. Emotion, Feeling and Sentiment
  14. Motivation, Frustration, Conflict and Mental Mechanisms
  15. Intelligence and Intelligence Tests
  16. Personality and its Measurement
  17. Individual Differences
  18. Objective Questions