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Dr. Neeta Gupta

 I have completed my journey from a student to a teacher with the help of Lakshmi Narain Agarwal, Agra. The Publication provides us many books on various topics. I’m fortunate to express my ideas and thoughts of this Publication. From my student life it has been always with me till now. This Publication provides us complete and easy content in easy language (with its text) and for students it gives summary and paraphrase in Hindi language also. After completing a topic there are many questions (objective, short and long) with their answers and before the topic it provides matter on writers and techniques etc. It covers all topics as history, language, drama etc. This Publication prepares new books on new topics before the session. It is pleasure to express my thoughts and I am very thankful to Lakshmi Narain Agarwal Publications.

Dr. Neeta Gupta,

Assistant Professor,

Department of English,

Dayanand Vedic College,
