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Medea – Euripides- By Prem Sagar


Medea – Euripides , By – Prem Sagar, ISBN Code –


Medea was written about two thousand four hundred years ago, but the issues raised in it are still relevant. The necessity of drawing people’s attention to the plight of the women was of prime importance in the age of Euripides, and it is of unfortunately in this civilized world also.



Euripides—His Life and Works

Story of Jason and Medea

Text of Euripides’ Medea 431 BC

Text, Summary and Comments

Character of Medea

Character of Jason

Role of Chorus

Aegeus Episode

Rehabilitation of Female Sex

Medea as a Tragedy

Elements of Revenge Tragedy

Child Motif in Euripides’ Medea

Character is Destiny

Medea’s Contradictory Impulses

Resolution of the Conflict

Social Conflicts

Major Themes in Medea

Critical Appreciation of Medea


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Medea – Euripides , By – Prem Sagar, ISBN Code –


Medea was written about two thousand four hundred years ago, but the issues raised in it are still relevant. The necessity of drawing people’s attention to the plight of the women was of prime importance in the age of Euripides, and it is of unfortunately in this civilized world also.



Euripides—His Life and Works

Story of Jason and Medea

Text of Euripides’ Medea 431 BC

Text, Summary and Comments

Character of Medea

Character of Jason

Role of Chorus

Aegeus Episode

Rehabilitation of Female Sex

Medea as a Tragedy

Elements of Revenge Tragedy

Child Motif in Euripides’ Medea

Character is Destiny

Medea’s Contradictory Impulses

Resolution of the Conflict

Social Conflicts

Major Themes in Medea

Critical Appreciation of Medea


Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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