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Lord Jim – Joseph Conrad-By R.L. Varshney


Lord Jim – Joseph Conard , By – Dr. R.L. Varshney, ISBN Code – 978-93-86241-05-4


Edited with: General Introduction, Detailed Chapter wise Summary, Character- Sketches Critical Appreciation Questions and Answers, etc.


General Introduction

The Age of Joseph Conrad

The Twentieth Century Novel

Joseph Conrad: A Biographical Sketch

The Works of Joseph Conrad

Conrad’s Theory of Art

Joseph Conrad’s Theory of Novel

Conrad’s Plot-Construction

Atmosphere and Setting in the Novels of Conrad

Conrad’s Characterization

Conrad’s Art and Technique

Conrad’s Symbolism and Imagery

Conrad’s View of Life

Significance of Marlow in Conrad’s Novels

Conrad’s Place and Reputation

Conrad as the Laureate of Sea- Life

Conrad’s Style

A General Estimate of Conrad as a Novelist

Gems of Criticism on Conrad

Select Literary Opinions on Joseph Conrad as a Novelist

Critical Study of Lord Jim

The Story of Lord Jim in a Nutshell

The Plot or Structure of Lord Jim

The Theme of Lord Jim: Guilt and Atonement

Technique of Narration in Lord Jim

Romance and Realism in Lord Jim

Symbolism in Lord Jim

The Autobiographical Element in Lord Jim

The Role of Dark Powers in Lord Jim

Lord Jim as the Great Gallery of Rogues

Jim as a Romantic Hero

Jim as a Tragic Hero

Jim as ‘One of Us’

A Critical Appreciation of Lord Jim

Select Literary Criticisms on Lord Jim

Chapter wise Summary of Lord Jim


Questions and Answers

Chronological Table of Conrad’s Life and Works


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Lord Jim – Joseph Conard , By – Dr. R.L. Varshney, ISBN Code – 978-93-86241-05-4


Edited with: General Introduction, Detailed Chapter wise Summary, Character- Sketches Critical Appreciation Questions and Answers, etc.


General Introduction

The Age of Joseph Conrad

The Twentieth Century Novel

Joseph Conrad: A Biographical Sketch

The Works of Joseph Conrad

Conrad’s Theory of Art

Joseph Conrad’s Theory of Novel

Conrad’s Plot-Construction

Atmosphere and Setting in the Novels of Conrad

Conrad’s Characterization

Conrad’s Art and Technique

Conrad’s Symbolism and Imagery

Conrad’s View of Life

Significance of Marlow in Conrad’s Novels

Conrad’s Place and Reputation

Conrad as the Laureate of Sea- Life

Conrad’s Style

A General Estimate of Conrad as a Novelist

Gems of Criticism on Conrad

Select Literary Opinions on Joseph Conrad as a Novelist

Critical Study of Lord Jim

The Story of Lord Jim in a Nutshell

The Plot or Structure of Lord Jim

The Theme of Lord Jim: Guilt and Atonement

Technique of Narration in Lord Jim

Romance and Realism in Lord Jim

Symbolism in Lord Jim

The Autobiographical Element in Lord Jim

The Role of Dark Powers in Lord Jim

Lord Jim as the Great Gallery of Rogues

Jim as a Romantic Hero

Jim as a Tragic Hero

Jim as ‘One of Us’

A Critical Appreciation of Lord Jim

Select Literary Criticisms on Lord Jim

Chapter wise Summary of Lord Jim


Questions and Answers

Chronological Table of Conrad’s Life and Works



Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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