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Indian Government And Politics – (TEXT BOOK)- By A.P. Avasthi


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Indian Government And Politics – , By – Dr. Avasthi, ISBN Code – 978-93-86828-85-9


[For Civil/State Services (Prelims & Mains), UGC-CBCS, NET, PGT/TGT, SSC-CGL Examinations and for B.A. (Pass/Honours) and M.A. Classes]

The study of Indian Government and Politics which did not
attracted much attention by the Indian scholars for long, have been
receiving greater attention of late. In view of the growing importance of
the subject it is being introduced as a paper for the graduate and
post-graduation courses of the various universities of India. But there is
no single book which covers the various aspects of Indian politics. In
this book the author has made a modest attempt to present and designed
to meet the requirements of students of Indian universities and those for
various competitive examinations in a consolidated and comprehensive
form. It will also serve the purpose of those students who are doing their
graduation. The author does not claim any originality. Author’s main
effort has been to collect the vast material lying scattered in various
books, journals and newspapers and to present the same in a systematic
manner, which may be easily understood by the students.
Book has been written in simple language so that the students can
follow it without any difficulty. I hope it will meet the needs of those
whom it has been written.
For convenience of readers the book has been divided into three
parts. Part one deals with historical background of colonialism,
nationalism, national and constitutional development upto 1947. Part two
deals with the making of constitution, union and state executive,
legislature and judiciary. In Part three, Indian Political System or Nature
of Indian Politics has been discussed.
I am grateful to M/s Lakshmi Narain Agarwal, Agra, the publishers
for bringing out this book in a short time before the students. I am also
grateful to the Library of Jiwaji University, Gwalior, for providing me
timely necessary reading material.
Suggestions for improvements of the book, are invited.

1. Historical Background (Colonialism, Economic, Social, Political Consequences and Rise of Nationalism)
2. National Movement (1885-1918)
3. National Movement (1919-1947) (Mahatma Gandhi and National Movement)
4. Constitutional Development: 1858-1947
5. The Constituent Assembly of India
6. The Preamble Philosophy of the Constitution
7. Values of Constitution
8. Salient Features of the Indian Constitution
9. Fundamental Rights
10. The Directive Principles of State Policy
11. Nature of Indian Federal System
12. Union-State and Inter-State Relations
13. Problems of Centre-State Relations
14. Constitutional Amendments
15. Political Executive: President
16. Political Executive Council of Ministers
17. Political Executive: Prime Minister
18. Union Legislature: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
19. Cabinet Committees
20. Union Judiciary: The Supreme Court
21. State Administration
22. Political Executive : Governor
23. The council of Ministers political Executive
24. The Chief Minister: Political Executive
25. State Legislature
26. State Judiciary: High Court
27.Boards and Commissions
28. Development Planning
29.The New Economic Policy
30. Grass-roots Democracy: Panchayat Raj
31. Regional Parties
32. Pressure Groups
33. Elections, The Election Commission and Electoral Reforms
34. Challenges before Democracy
35. Casteism and Communalism in Indian Politics
36. Linguism, Regionalism and Secularism in Indian Politics
37. National Integration
38. Criminalisation of Politics and Administration
39. Corruption in Administration
40. Coalition Politics in India
41. Politics of Defection
42. Women’s Political Participation in India
43. Niti Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India

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Indian Government And Politics – , By – Dr. Avasthi, ISBN Code – 978-93-86828-85-9

[For Civil/State Services (Prelims & Mains), UGC-CBCS, NET, PGT/TGT, SSC-CGL Examinations and for B.A. (Pass/Honours) and M.A. Classes]

The study of Indian Government and Politics which did not
attracted much attention by the Indian scholars for long, have been
receiving greater attention of late. In view of the growing importance of
the subject it is being introduced as a paper for the graduate and
post-graduation courses of the various universities of India. But there is
no single book which covers the various aspects of Indian politics. In
this book the author has made a modest attempt to present and designed
to meet the requirements of students of Indian universities and those for
various competitive examinations in a consolidated and comprehensive
form. It will also serve the purpose of those students who are doing their
graduation. The author does not claim any originality. Author’s main
effort has been to collect the vast material lying scattered in various
books, journals and newspapers and to present the same in a systematic
manner, which may be easily understood by the students.
Book has been written in simple language so that the students can
follow it without any difficulty. I hope it will meet the needs of those
whom it has been written.
For convenience of readers the book has been divided into three
parts. Part one deals with historical background of colonialism,
nationalism, national and constitutional development upto 1947. Part two
deals with the making of constitution, union and state executive,
legislature and judiciary. In Part three, Indian Political System or Nature
of Indian Politics has been discussed.
I am grateful to M/s Lakshmi Narain Agarwal, Agra, the publishers
for bringing out this book in a short time before the students. I am also
grateful to the Library of Jiwaji University, Gwalior, for providing me
timely necessary reading material.
Suggestions for improvements of the book, are invited.

1. Historical Background (Colonialism, Economic, Social, Political Consequences and Rise of Nationalism)
2. National Movement (1885-1918)
3. National Movement (1919-1947) (Mahatma Gandhi and National Movement)
4. Constitutional Development: 1858-1947
5. The Constituent Assembly of India
6. The Preamble Philosophy of the Constitution
7. Values of Constitution
8. Salient Features of the Indian Constitution
9. Fundamental Rights
10. The Directive Principles of State Policy
11. Nature of Indian Federal System
12. Union-State and Inter-State Relations
13. Problems of Centre-State Relations
14. Constitutional Amendments
15. Political Executive: President
16. Political Executive Council of Ministers
17. Political Executive: Prime Minister
18. Union Legislature: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
19. Cabinet Committees
20. Union Judiciary: The Supreme Court
21. State Administration
22. Political Executive : Governor
23. The council of Ministers political Executive
24. The Chief Minister: Political Executive
25. State Legislature
26. State Judiciary: High Court
27.Boards and Commissions
28. Development Planning
29.The New Economic Policy
30. Grass-roots Democracy: Panchayat Raj
31. Regional Parties
32. Pressure Groups
33. Elections, The Election Commission and Electoral Reforms
34. Challenges before Democracy
35. Casteism and Communalism in Indian Politics
36. Linguism, Regionalism and Secularism in Indian Politics
37. National Integration
38. Criminalisation of Politics and Administration
39. Corruption in Administration
40. Coalition Politics in India
41. Politics of Defection
42. Women’s Political Participation in India
43. Niti Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India

Additional information

Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm
Cover Type

Hard Bound Edition, Paper Back Edition


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