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Human Development – , By – P. Jain, ISBN Code –







  1. Human Growth and Development: Meaning,

Principles, Deference, Aspects and Factors

  1. Growth and Development—-A Few Basic Facts
  2. Principles of Growth and Development
  3. Aspects of Development
  4. Difference between Growth and Development
  5. Human Development and Education
  6. Factors Influencing Growth and Development:

Internal and Extemal

  1. Factors affecting Physical Growth and Development
  2. Child Development
  3. Parental Development
  4. Post Natal Development : Partunate and Neonate

I2. Toxemias of Pregnancy: Symptoms, Detection

and Care

l3. Care of Expectant Mothers

  1. The Normal Full Term New Bom Infants

l5. Care of Breasts and Feeding the Baby

l6. Child Health Programme

  1. Physical Development of the Child

I8. Physical Development of Childhood Period

  1. Motor Development
  2. Emotional Development of Childhood Period
  3. Language Development
  4. Factors Influencing Language Development
  5. Language Development during Different Stage:
  6. Social Development
  7. Social Atmosphere in the School
  8. Influences of Culture and Economic Status on Social


  1. Parents are the First Teachers
  2. Adolescent Development
  3. Anger, Pugnacity and Vindictiveness
  4. Affection
  5. Personality, Nature and Types
  6. Characteristics of Personality
  7. Types of Personality


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Human Development – , By – P. Jain, ISBN Code –





  1. Human Growth and Development: Meaning,

Principles, Deference, Aspects and Factors

  1. Growth and Development—-A Few Basic Facts
  2. Principles of Growth and Development
  3. Aspects of Development
  4. Difference between Growth and Development
  5. Human Development and Education
  6. Factors Influencing Growth and Development:

Internal and Extemal

  1. Factors affecting Physical Growth and Development
  2. Child Development
  3. Parental Development
  4. Post Natal Development : Partunate and Neonate

I2. Toxemias of Pregnancy: Symptoms, Detection

and Care

l3. Care of Expectant Mothers

  1. The Normal Full Term New Bom Infants

l5. Care of Breasts and Feeding the Baby

l6. Child Health Programme

  1. Physical Development of the Child

I8. Physical Development of Childhood Period

  1. Motor Development
  2. Emotional Development of Childhood Period
  3. Language Development
  4. Factors Influencing Language Development
  5. Language Development during Different Stage:
  6. Social Development
  7. Social Atmosphere in the School
  8. Influences of Culture and Economic Status on Social


  1. Parents are the First Teachers
  2. Adolescent Development
  3. Anger, Pugnacity and Vindictiveness
  4. Affection
  5. Personality, Nature and Types
  6. Characteristics of Personality
  7. Types of Personality



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