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Public Economics – , By – R.C. Agarwal, ISBN Code – 978-93-88297-10-3




  1. Introduction-—Objectives
  2. Public Finance-—Meaning, Definitions Scope or Contents,

Difference between Public Finance and Private Finance,

Relationship of Public Finance with other Sciences, Nature

and Concept, Role and Importance, Positive or Normative

Science or Both, and Objective Type Questions

  1. Principles of Public Finance or Principle or Doctrine of

Maximum Social Advantage Including Objective Type


  1. Public Expenditure-Meaning, Nature, Reasons, Impor-

tance, Canons/Principles, Classification, Effects, Wagner’s

Law, Wiseman-Peacock Hypothesis, Trends of Public

Expenditure in India and Objective Type Questions

  1. Public Revenue——Meaning, Sources and Classification etc.
  2. Taxation——Meaning, Characteristics (Elements), Ol ’ectives,

Canons, Elements of a Good Tax, Classification (Kinds) of

Taxes, Principles (Theories), Incidence and Impact, Taxable

Capacity, Effects of Taxation, GST 2017 etc.

  1. Public Debt or Theory of Public Debt—Meaning,

Definition; Objectives, Private Vs. Public Debt, Classic-

fiction, Methods of Redemption, Effects, Importance and

Public Debt in India, Public Debt Management

  1. Fiscal Policy and Economic Stability——Meaning, Definition,

objecives, Role, Limitaions

  1. Deficit Financing including Deficit Financing in India-

Meaning, Purposes, Effects, Role, Limits

  1. War Finance and India’s Defense Budget—Meaning,

Resources, Effects

  1. Financial Administration——Principles, Scope
  2. Budget-—Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics of a Good

Budget, Irrportance, Principles & Policy, Canons,

udgetary Procedure (including Budgetary Procedure in

India), Performance Budgeting, Balanced and Unbalanced

Budget, Zero Base Budgeting etc. ~

  1. Federal Finance-—Meaning, Principles, Financial

Relationship between the Union and the States, Problems

of Federal Finance and Suggestions . ~

  1. The Finance Commissions—Meaning, Functions and fiom

First Finance Commission to 13th Finance Commission

alongwith their Appointment, Recommendations, Evalua-

tion etc.

  1. Indian Tax System-—Introduction
  2. Central Financcs—”~Revenue and Expenditure of the Central


  1. State Finances—-Revenue and Expenditure of the State


  1. Local Finance-—Meaning, Establishment, Functions,

Finances, Problems and Suggestions of Local Bodies-—

Panchayats, District Boards 0″ Zila Parishads, Municipa-

lities, Municipal Corporations etc.

  1. Public Enterprises and Public Utilities-—Meaning, Role,

Problems, Suggestions, Public Utilities-—Meaning,


  1. Union Budget, 2018-20l9—A Critical Study

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Public Economics – , By – R.C. Agarwal, ISBN Code – 978-93-88297-10-3




  1. Introduction-—Objectives
  2. Public Finance-—Meaning, Definitions Scope or Contents,

Difference between Public Finance and Private Finance,

Relationship of Public Finance with other Sciences, Nature

and Concept, Role and Importance, Positive or Normative

Science or Both, and Objective Type Questions

  1. Principles of Public Finance or Principle or Doctrine of

Maximum Social Advantage Including Objective Type


  1. Public Expenditure-Meaning, Nature, Reasons, Impor-

tance, Canons/Principles, Classification, Effects, Wagner’s

Law, Wiseman-Peacock Hypothesis, Trends of Public

Expenditure in India and Objective Type Questions

  1. Public Revenue——Meaning, Sources and Classification etc.
  2. Taxation——Meaning, Characteristics (Elements), Ol ’ectives,

Canons, Elements of a Good Tax, Classification (Kinds) of

Taxes, Principles (Theories), Incidence and Impact, Taxable

Capacity, Effects of Taxation, GST 2017 etc.

  1. Public Debt or Theory of Public Debt—Meaning,

Definition; Objectives, Private Vs. Public Debt, Classic-

fiction, Methods of Redemption, Effects, Importance and

Public Debt in India, Public Debt Management

  1. Fiscal Policy and Economic Stability——Meaning, Definition,

objecives, Role, Limitaions

  1. Deficit Financing including Deficit Financing in India-

Meaning, Purposes, Effects, Role, Limits

  1. War Finance and India’s Defense Budget—Meaning,

Resources, Effects

  1. Financial Administration——Principles, Scope
  2. Budget-—Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics of a Good

Budget, Irrportance, Principles & Policy, Canons,

udgetary Procedure (including Budgetary Procedure in

India), Performance Budgeting, Balanced and Unbalanced

Budget, Zero Base Budgeting etc. ~

  1. Federal Finance-—Meaning, Principles, Financial

Relationship between the Union and the States, Problems

of Federal Finance and Suggestions . ~

  1. The Finance Commissions—Meaning, Functions and fiom

First Finance Commission to 13th Finance Commission

alongwith their Appointment, Recommendations, Evalua-

tion etc.

  1. Indian Tax System-—Introduction
  2. Central Financcs—”~Revenue and Expenditure of the Central


  1. State Finances—-Revenue and Expenditure of the State


  1. Local Finance-—Meaning, Establishment, Functions,

Finances, Problems and Suggestions of Local Bodies-—

Panchayats, District Boards 0″ Zila Parishads, Municipa-

lities, Municipal Corporations etc.

  1. Public Enterprises and Public Utilities-—Meaning, Role,

Problems, Suggestions, Public Utilities-—Meaning,


  1. Union Budget, 2018-20l9—A Critical Study

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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